Population Health

Dartmouth Health receives grant to help fill gaps in regional dental care
Project will address oral health needs for children, adults in NH, VT

Dartmouth Health responds to Upper Valley measles exposures
Measles-positive patient seen at DHMC emergency department on July 6 and 7

Dartmouth Health’s medical-legal partnership program secures funding for next two years
Following a successful first two years of the program, the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation and the Couch Family Foundation have committed again to joining with Dartmouth Health in financially sustaining this important program.

Dartmouth Health becomes NH's largest in-state investor to support the Community Loan Fund for more affordable homeownership
In keeping with its mission of advancing the health of the population it serves, Dartmouth Health announces an additional $2 million investment in the New Hampshire Community Loan Fund to support affordable and safe housing.

Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center selected as pilot site for nationwide Anti-Stigma Initiative
This opportunity highlights DHMC’s dedication to improving its response to individuals with a substance use disorder, and actively combating the harmful stigma associated with addiction.

Dartmouth Health receives a $4 million grant to support youth and families impacted by substance use disorder and mental health
Dartmouth Health will convene a group of stakeholder organizations, selected school districts, local and state leaders to co-create and deploy methods to support mental health and prevent and treat substance use disorders.